Thursday, November 10, 2011

What IF?

What if there was no chains holding us back?
What if when God called us somewhere, we went?
What if when God commanded us to do something, we did it with fervency of spirit?
What if when we seen a brother or sister fall, we held them up?
What if when we heard something, we prayed instead of gossipped?
What if we had no fear, but perfect love?
What if we were not ashamed?
What if every evil emotion were replaced with love?
What if the Church did less "sitting in church" and stormed hell's gates instead?
What if the Church fulfilled its calling?
What if discipleship were a reality in our lives?
What if we were all actively filled with the Spirit?
What if we all put the gifts of the Spirit to work instead of sitting dormant?
What if we weren't afraid of radical lifestyles?
What if it didn't matter what the Christians around me thought but only the LORD?
What if I was completely, wholly, and entirely abandoned from the world to Jesus?
What if I had no fear of man?
What if I was dead to flesh?
What if I gave up trying to please everyone but rather did all to glorify my Redeemer?
What if I spent less time worry about tomorrow and more time preparing others for eternity?
What if I actually followed the teachings of Christ Jesus?
What if I were freed from the bondage of religious rules and filled with the Word of God?
What if I would give all I have to follow Jesus?
What if I truly obeyed the Great Commission?
What if I loved my enemy as myself?
What if all of my finances were used completely for the Kingdom instead of just a percentage?
What if I spent less time crying about life's disappointments and more time crying for the souls of others?
What if I quit compromising in areas of my life and turned them all over to the LORD?
What if I started worshipping with my whole heart and didn't hold back because of those around me?

What if I died tomorrow?

For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto SALVATION to everyone who believes....


Anonymous said...

From: What if there was no chains holding us back?
To: What if I died tomorrow?

makes a man think, weep and seek.

Fulness of Joy said...

WOW! Then God could actually work through His people in a RADICAL way. These are the type of people He is looking for... Will He find them? Lord, look no more, we are willing! May this be the cry of our hearts! Thanks for posting this! It is a very sobering reality that we as Christians need to face. Thanks again!

Bree said...

Wow girl. This was very thought provoking! Thanks for posting! I love you sister! Lets live a radical sold-out life for Jesus!!!