Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hold Me Accountable

Recently, I've been digging back through old papers I wrote. Just found this that I wrote a few days after YBS 2009... Oh, that a cry would go forth for accountability and discipleship.

Elijah, in the wilderness, came down off the mountain from praying and heard about Jezebel's threat to kill him before the next day.  Terrified, he fled into the wilderness and prayed, even that his life would be taken from him.  We know how the angel came and ministered to him, and then God spoke to him in the still small voice, encouraging Elijah with the knowledge of 7,000 other faithful ones who had not bowed down to the idols. 1 Kings 18:41-19:18  With thoughts of that, knowing how I have felt since Bible School, hearing other's confession of God's work in their life and knowing my own testimony, and feeling that I will need some strong support for my journey ahead, this phrase has been pulsing through my head with every minute.  HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE! This is what the Spirit has been challenging me with...  

Lift me up when I'm Elijah
Alone, down off the mountain top,
In the wilderness, attacked, and wishing to die.

Hold me accountable when
You know I've committed things to God
That I cannot accomplish alone.
Hold me accountable when
You see me in compromising situations.
Hold me accountable!
Hold me accountable when
Pride holds me back from confession.
And when Self gets in the way of God
Hold me accountable!
Hold me accountable when
I want to bring up my scars and pain from the past
Forgetting Someone died for them.
Hold me accountable when
My joy fades and
Peace is darkened by worry.
Hold me accountable when
We're the only 7,000 walking the narrow way
Out of blinded millions [luke]warmed by Satan's lies.
Hold me accountable when
My strength fails me and I'm tempted
To fall back into my old ways.
Hold me accountable!
Hold me accountable when
I don't want the world to hate me but
Accept me for "who I am and what I believe".
Hold me accountable when
I want to sell out cheap to this world
Because I like his things,
His music, his clothes, his places.
Hold me accountable when
The days are long and filled with idleness
Or short with no time found for Jesus.

Hold me accountable when
I'm up late on the computer with lots of work
At the bookstore tempted by worldly novels
Or alone in my bedroom, wrestling the devil.
Hold me accountable when
I'm driving for hours in the car
Needing something to keep me alert.
Hold me accountable when
I take the second glance, or
Think the same thought twice.
Hold me accountable when
I form relationships with people-
Will they build me up or pluck me down?
Hold me accountable when
I'm out shopping, wooed by the world
Or when I spend my money on pleasure-seeking things.
When I'm tempted to go places
That were part of the Old Life
It's then, please! Hold me accountable!
Hold me accountable when
Satan lies to me
The world hates me
My friends mock me
And family despises me.
Still, hold me accountable!
Hold me accountable-
Tell me! Oh tell me...
Will you do it?
When you know it will hurt my flesh or
Make us stand out alone in our convictions
Will you hold me accountable?
Will you be the angel, ministering-
The still small voice, encouraging-
One of the 7,000, holding me up?
Please. Hold me accountable.

Will you take a stand so others can
Hold you accountable?
Tell me... will you?

“Confess your faults one to another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16     God bless you! <><
Soli Deo Gloria! Courtney

Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012. New Year... Something about that just feels good.  I've always loved New Year's.  Starting fresh, making resolutions, excitement over what God may bring into this coming year.  You can debate the "biblicalness" of resolutions all you want, but sometimes I just need a new start to say "I am going to do [this] with HIS help this year." Love it.
I got to thinking back over 2011.  More of the year was spent out of the state and country than in Ohio.  8 months in Ky, 2 weeks each in Haiti and MI, and a few weekend trips to IN in there. To begin to even share what God has done in my life through each experience would take forever.  I feel tremendously blessed by Father.  He truly is good in all that He does.
the last half of my first year (perhaps only? :/) teaching school.
the first part of nursing school (LORD willing).
Endless opportunities to witness Him.... God has really been working in my heart and giving me MANY opportunities at school to share my faith and proclaim His gospel. Pray I would be faithful to His calling!!

Bury My Heart on the Mission Field May that be our heart's cry this year! Serve Him.

Soli deo gloria. Miss Court