Friday, January 14, 2011

The Worst Part of Writing

Pretty self-explanatory... The title selection is definitely the worst part of blogging/writing and since I am just starting, I have no idea what I'm going to write about!  Life is pretty much back to "normal" now.  Exhaustion from Christmas/New Year's at home and then running Rachel to Shipshewana has subsided to a dim roar.  I'm left with burning eyes halfway through the day instead of when I wake up! :) My trip home was incredible... God did a lot during that time and I am so thankful for it.  It felt like my first time really home since National Conference... It's been a while.  I cannot believe it's been so long! Anyhow, I think I got to see pretty much everyone when I was home and did pretty much everything- except sleep.  Jessica came home with me for a week or so as well. 

Thank you all so much for praying... God has proven Himself faithful... as always!! Sometimes I feel like Abraham... Called to do something crazy (sacrifice his son) and then God steps in and rewards obedience. The babysitting job came through.  I am working through a home health agency called Personal Touch and babysitting this little sweet boy! I've been to their house a couple times now to just hang out with him and learn the "routine".  There are lots of little things to learn... how to feed him, what to do with his feeding tube, how to get to his school where they do some therapy, and just the in's&out's of what he likes and what doesn't work! This job pretty much solves the vehicle problem which feels like another Abe/Isaac situation... God wanted it surrendered! The time I can spend babysitting provides a nice break from the home and things there. 
My dear Emma Jane is doing grandly! She is truly back to "normal". I was feeding her the other day and could hardly get it down her and she'd be spitting the bottle out to grin at me and jabber away! She is such a sweetie.  If you make it to the Home and I don't see that you're introduced..... :)
A VS girl left yesterday.  It was such a strange feeling.  Sarah came 2 weeks after I had been there.  It's absolutely strange to know I'm officially a "longtermer"... Sheena and I wrote her a "Book" on motherhood (Mary&Martha House Publishing is still working on the copyright- then it will be released!) and signed it as being from two "more experienced" VSers. That was a strange feeling!  Shelia got to the Home when I'd been there 6 weeks... the halfway mark. Now she is preparing to leave!! (Jan 31st.) Time flies.  It just reminds me that time is short.  Jesus is coming soon.  Make every moment count... Would I want Jesus to find me [here] when He returns?? sobering thought...
When I was home, Grandma Boone asked what a "normal" day was like for me. I laughed. It depends on what shift I work.... now, there's lots of things to fill my time with, so every day is different. but...
If I work first shift, it's up by 0445 and ready to leave the M&M by 0555.  off work by 2 and usually a nap if I have time.  The evening's are filled with time at Shultz's, trips to town, or meals at the cafe. occasionally, I'm just around home!
Second shifts... boy. sometimes I sleep in (1030 :) ) but usually it's by 7 or 8... there's always laundry, cleaning, reading, letterwriting, trips to the library, store, etc! then work at 200p and off at 10p.  after work, there's always some socialism time in the M&M which gets pretty crazy sometimes.  Good chats, Good times!! curfew is at 11p but... that rarely means bedtime! :)
third shift is grand...10pm-6am... the morning i usually try to get up around 7 so I will be ready for a long nap.  Often if I have a third I will choose that day to go to town or something.  I head to bed around 5 or 6 and sleep till 930ish.  head to work and have a grand night up... (usually still sleepy after the nap :/) off at 6 but usually in bed by 7 or 8... somehow the drowsiness of the night is gone by 6 am! sleep till 1230pm or so and enjoy the rest of the day off!
so that's a short view of my life! and my laptop is dying and I have to run to kroger here in russel springs and head home... jessica and I are making a "Mexican meal" tonight {Complete with flan!!!!} and I have to grab some stuff. so, that's that for now. hope it wasn't too boring! :)
God be with you all!
Soli Deo Gloria!

ps... confession... i was homesick... monday night... but just a testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness and LOVE for His children! pray that I will rely on Him during those times.

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