Saturday, March 26, 2011

One Day... Today!

(this was written several weeks ago on a midnight, but I'm just getting a chance to post it :) Kinlee and Kailyn are both with their momma's now and we're soon to get another new one! and the cold- not a single baby didn't get it... as did many of the workers. I'm still getting over it. was nasty...
also, I advise checking out for a quick view at some photos and a rundown of the group that came down :) thanks ya'll for everything!!!!! really... such a blessing. The carseats were so appreciated... and bottle liners- desperately needed! thank ya'll!!!
I'm lovin my babies- one day at a time!! C)

It's 4:45 am as I sit here in the Angel House kitchen.  Kinlee is snuggled up in my arms, burning up with a fever, laboring to breath as she coughs and coughs.  Down the hall, Abigail coughs as if to prove this nasty cold is spreading.  And dear Kailyn echos the declaration.  I sigh and breath yet another prayer for these precious angels.  Since I forgot to bring my CD player tonight, K-Love quietly plays "One Day" by Casting Crowns... my mind wanders....

One day- there'll be no sick babies to cuddle and comfort, there'll be no motherless Japanese babies crying out for help, no African children dying from a disease that they can do nothing about, nor any beautiful Haitian children left along the road to die because they are cursed.
One day, it will be too late to make a difference in the life of an individual.  There will be no more starving to feed, naked to clothe, suffering to comfort, or lost to save.
But. One day, we'll be in the presence of God Almighty.  And Lord willing, there'll be a legion of little African kids who've finally won the battle against AIDS.  and scores of Thai children cuddling up with our Abba Father- and I really hope I get to see some of these precious "Born Free" babies...
BUT. This is TODAY.  Not ONE DAY.  What are we doing? There is a choice.  We can embrace suffering and pain in the nameless faces of the multitudes around us or we can look the other way.  Which will it be?  "what you've done unto the least of these..."
So, I thank God for this moment that I have to hold one of His precious ones... Yes, I wish she'd lay down and sleep without crying but as I do, I look up to the board and sigh... She goes home to Mommy today. 
I hold her a little tighter... The song is over and an advertisement for teen challenge comes on and I breath a prayer for these.  Who knows what Kinlee will grow up to be like.  All that's left to do now is pray.  So, pray I will!
and on a side note- she's going home in a cute, pink carseat! THANK YOU ALL!!!!

Soli Deo Gloria- C


Caitlin said...

Oh what a day that will be... that is one day I am looking forward to with all my heart! :)

Thanks for posting and giving me a taste of what your life is like there at the home.

Saying a prayer for the little ones, the colds going around...and all you there. Sending love and hugs your way!

Abbey said...

sweet sister:: thank YOU for this post!! amenamenamen and amen!! :)
"Where you go i'll go...
where you stay, i'll stay
Who you love, i'll love"

Love to you

Unknown said...

Hey Courtney...just finished reading your latest and it touched my heart! Thank you for sharing a little bit of your life and heart with me. We're thinking about coming down over Easter weekend. Hope it works out.
Love you...A. Jen

Anonymous said...

So update it already. Never known you to run out of words! See ya soon....
Love, Dad