You'd never guess I had "resolved" to blog just a little bit more frequently in 2011. But, really, I did. So, until I find a couple hours to update on my life, I thought I'd post this. It's a message my friend sent me a year ago or so. A friend of her's had written it...
So I'm a Christian...big deal. So what? Who Cares? Why try to make a difference? Is it really worth it? Can I put into words what has plagued me for the last while?
What is the point? I mean really, what is it? Is it to eek out an existence? Is it to have a wonderful family and wonderful job? Is it to have a career that is going well so, hopefully, at some point I can retire? Work; is that it? Money; is that it? Family; is that it? What is it? I need a point. Have you ever been pointless? It's not fun. Fun; maybe that's it?
A "few" years ago I gave my life to Jesus, who became my Lord and Savior. As a young person I did not understand very much. Through the years I struggled and failed many, many times. There were times in my life that my relationship with my Lord was non-existent. It sounds awful saying it, but it's true. If you have a penpal and you write back and forth for months maybe years then you sorta quit writing and eventually you stop altogether, what happens? Your relationship goes nowhere, plain and simple. If you wait long enough you have no idea what is going on in your penpal's life. Your relationship becomes non-existent because you chose to quit communicating. That is the same way your/my relationship with God can turn out.
Through the years the Lord was calling me back to Himself. There were things I did that I knew one day I would have to stop, but I didn't want stop at the time. I was doing "ok", my relationship with my Creator was going "well" or at least stabilizing. But God has a way of calling His children to Him. Especially if we tell Him that we want to be drawn closer. We should never tell the Lord we want something if we are not serious because the Lord God doesn't joke around. If you ask the Lord to give you patience...get prepared, He likely will send you many chances for you to exercise the patience you have, thereby allowing it to grow. If you ask Him to increase your faith... If you ask for more trust... Don't ever kid around with God. He loves us enough to give His children what they need and especially if we ask Him for those things.
I must've asked God for more faith and trust because He allowed in my life the hardest problems/trials/testings that I've ever had. What happened? Naturally I struggled, and struggled. I started thinking. What's the reason? What's the point? I thought about my relationship with Jesus. When I was baptized I made some promises, and I don't know about you, but I have a thing for promises and honoring my word. I try my best, not that I've never failed because I'm still human, but I want to make good on them. So I kept thinking... What do I want to do? Should I throw in the towel? Back when, I promised. Were those promises still valid? Of course they were. I told Jesus when He became my personal Savior that He could have my life, but did I really mean it? The trial in my life made me face the music. What was I going to do? I needed to make a decision. I could slide along as a "Christian" making people believe it was all "cool". I had done it at one time, I could do it again. No, my heart longed for more, for a deeper filling. It seemed that I had gotten to the end of my rope and once there I tied a knot and hung on. But God nudged me some more, I could hear Him say, "I need your knot too, you can't keep holding on and expect Me to work." Too long had I had been riding the fence. Too long had I been keeping one foot in the slimy, refuse-filled, stagnant cesspool of the world. I wanted the best of the Christian life and the "best" of the world. I prayed to God and said, "Lord God, I'm done, too long have I tried it my way. From here on out I'm finished. It's not worth it. Lord, I gave You my life a long time ago and I meant it then, but I kept some of it for myself. I didn't want to give it all up. Now God, I'm through with fighting, I want You to have it all. Take it, it's Yours. Do with it what you will. Oh God, whatever Your will is for my life, that's what I desire..." That's what I did. I gave up my will, my life, my future. The things that I held so dear, I let God have them.
Why? What a crazy thing to do some would say. Why, you're a young man in the beginning stages of life, the world is at your fingertips. You can do anything you want. It's right there; go out and taste it, touch it, experience it... And those that say that are right, the world is there offering its gifts, its treats. That is why I gave my life to the One. I have seen the world, I have been out there, not much, but enough. What I've tasted was sweet at first but what was left became bitter. I've touched, and at first everything felt exotic and sensational but in a little time turned hard and burned my hands. I've experienced, ah yes, the do you describe it? That wonderful feeling, the power of taking your life in your own hands, to go where you will to do anything you like, yes the experience is thrilling but when the thrill is over... When the thrill is over, oh, the emptiness and loneliness. In the end, after you made all the decisions, you can't make the ache inside go away. No, you can't make people care and befriend you. So, yes I've tasted, touched and experienced and to the world's call, all I can say is, No thank-you. "No world, you wrap death in a beautiful package and I don't want a piece of your pie."
Peace. Nowhere in the world will you find true peace. To think that the world offers or gives peace is absurd. Jesus is the only one that can give and will give you real peace. Sure the world tries to offer it but it can't even get started. Worldly peace is an oxymoron. Don't waste your time looking for it anywhere else then with the Author of peace. Satan runs the world and his mission is death and destruction. In Satan's plans there is absolutely no room for peace. He will go to great lengths to deceive you.
So here I am. I guess you could say I rededicated my life to God. Now what? What's the point I'll ask again? Ok, let's see...I need a decent job, preferably one that has good pay and wonderful benefits. I finally want to get that car and pickup I've always wanted. I'll be sure to tithe my 10% so that God knows I'm serious and He can continue to bless me. Then, in time, I want to marry a beautiful woman that loves the Lord. I want to eventually raise a family, maybe even have my own business. That way I can make my own hours so I can be at home more so I can be the good father of my children that I know I can be. I want to attend a church that never has problems, or if they do they are small ones. I want to own my house in the country, hopefully with some land. I need to keep my children away from town so they don't have bad influences. What else??? Oh yes, I've always wanted to learn to fly. Maybe before I get married I'll learn how to do that. I want to attend and support my church. If I need to be song leader then I'll do that. If I need to have a topic once in awhile then I'll do that too. I'll go to every Sunday service and I'll try to attend the Wednesday ones. I'll be there at all the revival meetings and the Bible conferences. I'll stand up and say I have peace with God and man and I desire to take part in communion. I'll voice my concern at the members' meeting about how we should keep our property neat-looking because that is a way to witness to our neighbors. I'll remember to pray for the missionaries and to give maybe a little extra in the offering. I will sing heartily when the words " is well my soul..." are led. Everything is good. I just don't want my beautiful life upset. I'll do what I have to, to keep the church operating smoothly and keep my growing family supplied because isn't that, after all, what God desires of His children?
WHAT?! Where's THAT is the Bible? So many times, I believe, we rededicate our lives and then go on our merry way, having the 'peace' that we've rededicated ourselves. When are we going to start fulfilling the promises we've made? God doesn't need anymore "good Mennonites". He has plenty. He needs Mennonites who are serious about what they say. Mennonites who will put their life where their mouth is. You say God is able, but you cover your proverbial rear with every imaginable type of insurance. You say God can do anything yet you are surprised when a miracle happens or you explain it away. God has no need of another bench warmer. America is full of them. God wants people like you and me to stand up and say, " I don't care if it's not popular. I'm going to go ahead and trust Him no matter what."
Now for the disclaimers, I do not believe that owning a car or pickup is wrong. Flying is definitely not wrong. But just because we "always wanted to do something" doesn't give us the right to do it. Getting married and raising a family is a wonderful thing and owning a business can be wonderful as well, but if we get so caught up in our business whether it's raising children or building a shop to work in that we don't have time to serve God and we make excuses saying, not now, then it becomes wrong. Insurance isn't wrong, neither is relying on God. I am not saying Christians in church aren't serious, I am absolutely not saying or implying that. There needs to be Mennonites that do those things that I may have put in a bad light. Next, living in the country is my choice of living areas. What do you do when you can't find a country home? What if town or city living is all you can get/afford or whatever? Do we put so much emphasis on saving our children that we overlook what they do when they are in town? I want to attend a church that has minimal problems. Did you know that Satan only attacks those that threaten him? And when I'm a part of a church I want to do my best to support it, whichever way I can. Concerning missionaries, do we get so caught up in supporting our workers abroad that we overlook the fact that God wants us to serve either abroad or at home? Maybe we sing It is well with my soul because we feel like we are living the Mennonite Dream. We have it together; things are going decently and in order.
So what's my tic? I'll tell you my tic. My tic even has a name. I DO NOT want to be another mediocre Christian who is very serious about living the easygoing Mennonite (i.e. American) life. Why? you ask. Because God called us out of this world for a reason. Because this world is wicked. He never said, "Follow me and I will make you affluent." He said, "Follow me and the way will be HARD." We have a choice: Easy come, easy go: to hell, or Hard life and eternal heavenly reward with the Savior who gave everything for us. I told God He can have my everything, and that's exactly what I purpose to do. IF that means no sweet sports sedan, so be it. IF that means that I never learn how to fly, so be it. IF that means I never marry a beautiful girl, so be it. IF that means not living in the country, so be it. IF that means no annual hunting trips, so be it. IF that means I don't get to snowboard every winter, so be it. These things aren't wrong in themselves but they can become wrong. If we chase after them and make them bigger than God is, then they are wrong. It's not that I won't ever do or own those things, but my priorities have changed. Jesus came to save the lost. He left the perfect example. And THAT my friends IS the point. There is no greater point than to share God's salvation, love and hope to the lost around us. We live in a world where people are hurting and looking for answers. I'm not only talking about heathens either. Christians are looking as well. What will they find when they see you? Will they find hope, or just another complacent Christian willing to sacrifice a little borrowed time for a little selfish gain?
What's the point? What does it mean to you to be a follower of Jesus? Are you willing to give it all, like you said? Half-Christians will never get their littlest toe inside Heaven's pearly gates. Following Jesus on days that "matter" will never ensure you a mansion in glory. It would be better to leave completely than give the pretense of a follower. The nice thing about it is, God knows who you are and you know who you are. I don't need to know. But that doesn't mean I'm not concerned. No, on the contrary I am very concerned. When I look across the "blessed" USA, I see blessed youth fed up with the system. What I mean by that is, either they are tired of the system or the system is feeding them. They have either grown accustomed to the easy lifestyle of Christians and plan to keep going as they are, riding along on the coattails of the Mennonite Dream or they are sickened by what they see and say, "Phooey, there are only hypocrites in the church. I'm leaving." Both responses are wrong. Let me say this, though. I don't believe there are only those two types of youth. No, I believe there are many who want more, and not just youth. They are those that see some of the things going on and think, "Hold it, some things need to change. I know the church does have some hypocrites in it, but I won't be apart of them. Leaving the church and going and doing my own thing is not what I want. I know that the world doesn't have anything to offer compared to Jesus. I'm staying and doing my part. I know there is nothing 'out there' other than death, and Jesus is the only one offering life." That is the group I find myself in. It seems that many times we can be born into a Mennonite family, become a Christian and just float along doing what is required of us. We know how to act, we know what to do, we have the culture and traditions down pat. After all, we've been taught all our short lives what's right and what's left. Isn't that all that's expected? God doesn't require more does He? Are you just a C.Z.C.? (comfort zone Christian) As long as it's in my comfort zone I'm more than happy to help. What happens when God asks you to overstep your comfortable walls? Yes I know the God I'm too young, busy, shy, too..too..too whatever. Do we leave the "hard" work to the older ones? Do I explain to God that I would love to help but I've been planning this trip for a long time, and backing out now wouldn't be good stewardship because I've already put money down on it?
The youth, they are the ones that get hit in church struggles. They are the ones that take the brunt of the force. Many times they are on the sidelines but the shockwave hits them full tilt. They may not stand up and yell "I've been wounded," they may only go quietly out the back door never to return. The youth, like the canaries in the mines, will be the first to run out of "spiritual" oxygen and fall over. But wait, there are two sides. The positive one being this: Youth send a message. When youth are in church and are active and joyful it sends a strong message. The world takes notice. They wonder, "What do they have that makes it worth it?" The answer? Everything. Yes, everything. When we chose to follow Jesus, He said, " I will supply all your needs." What part of "all your needs" don't you understand? And when we live according to what we say we do, wonderful things happen. No, we may never be healthy and wealthy but we can be wise.
So what's it gonna be? Are you ok with where you are? Do you look for more or is what you have enough? When you said, yes to God, you said no to Satan. There is no third road. It's either all for Him or not. Partially serving Him is completely failing. We can't ride the fence and experience the best of both worlds. It does not and cannot work that way. Everyone of us makes a choice. By not choosing the right one we are choosing the wrong one. I like the quote I've heard, "You're going to be a fool for someone, it's up to you to decide who." I don't want to sound like there are no sincere and honest youth out there, I just want to challenge the ones that are and nudge the ones that need waking up. I do not have any answers but I have a Friend who does. So what's the reason? He's the reason. Why am I here? He's the reason I'm here. He planned it before the world began. Why should I do what I want? There is no earthly reason to do what I want.
My friends, we may be young, but we do have it all at our fingertips. We can read it and study it everyday. We can take it in our hearts wherever we go. Give everything to God, you will not be disappointed.
My prayer for us is this, "That we may never grow so content with our 'good' lives that we forget to give our 'good' to God. He is the One that has given us the blessings and He desires our life...ALL OF IT."
The choice is yours, and by waiting it's been made.
Think about it.
It's real.
- Travis Mast
anyhow, thought I'd share it. Really challenged me. It is so easy for me to fall prey to the "good things" of life and forget that Jesus didn't promise blue skies and lemonade but a narrow path... Stay strong my brothers and sisters!
Soli Deo Gloria! Courtney
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