But it was a good time. I am not sure that a shower has ever felt so good before in all my life. The next morning, my hands still smelled like... heated whip cream... but thankfully it didn't last too long! (:
This is me and Donna... the one who met me at the airport. She's from Jersey.
another knockout game... paint the counselor. This one didn't get cut... I'm sure I'll get painted this summer... can't wait! (:
Sunday night was a break from routine... Santa Cruz!!! We had a picnic at the Twin Lakes Beach. I had no idea a beach around here could be so crowded... but it was a good time... I forgot what salt water tasted like... sure missed it!
Remind me when I am utterly exhausted... think I cannot go on... and when I say I'm not getting paid enough for the hard work... and when I can't sleep because my campers aren't... and when all is going wrong, remind me that I got paid to go to the beach! (:
Tuesday morning was CPR training... and since I am already certified, I got to sleep in until 9!!!! so... I took advantage of the time and had breakfast in bed (a delicious homemade choc muffin, hot tea, and a banana) along with my Bible. Perfect... (You can remind me that I got paid to do homework and have breakfast in bed that day too... :D)
Yesterday after we were finished and "off-duty" for the "weekend", I jumped in with Hippi Courtney and went to Scott's Valley. That was pretty sweet to get off the compound for a while and do some shopping... chips, salsa, tea, basket to put shower stuff in, mesh bag, plastic bags, tissues, stain spray, softener for laundry, and on... the guy looked at me and was like... looks like you just got off work! (: it felt so good to be somewhere besides camp. Today I got to run up to the Mountain Store like a half mile up the road and get some chocolate and tea! (: it was awesome... I talked to Josh a while and did laundry... between the episodes of no water due to them hitting the main line up the road a ways. got my homework completely finished... so yeah! Life at camp... it's great. oh and mother... I know you'd have a fit, but just thought I'd tell you... laundry consisted of throwing everything in the wash... pjs, sheets, towels, dresses, sweatshirts, yep, everything! (; nothing seems to have been affected... hehe
My bed for the week... so organized (: for once in my life...
I never understood the statement "comfort food" but I think I've discovered mine... (: By this afternoon... I was in desperate need of tea and chocolate...
Tomorrow, I get my first camper. I have a one-on-one this session which I am really excited about! the people who don't have 1on1's have 4 campers each! which sounds like a lot my first week! so we'll see how it goes! His name is Sam and he's in his 20's I think! so yeah! pretty excited to get started!
Please pray that I will be strong... spiritually and mentally. Sleep is looking like it'll be non-existent. Returnee Courtney, I discovered last night, is a Christian too which was so exciting!!! she's definitely my favorite counselor I think... good work ethic, hard working, and just sweet! a lot like me- we need our personal time! (: so it was good to talk to her for a while... this is her 4th year here, so she had lots of advice in our no-church summers!
thanks for holding out to the end (: just wanted to update everyone with what's happening around here! Please pray! and if you want... here's my address:
16403 Highway 9
Boulder Creek, CA 95006-9696
I have to sing to get my mail... so be considerate (;
soli deo gloria!!
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