This was the best picture I have of the girls. We had a lot of fun, and I miss them already!! It was very different from the last session... I had a "real" camp experience! (: (meaning, I went to activities instead of doing what my 1on1 wanted to do.) I got to sing for a lot of mail... thanks to those who sent it!!! (:
Carrie B- thanks for the picture!!!!! it's hanging up on my nightstand this week (:
me and Lindsay riding the horse
Cathy and Megan playing BINGO!
Game Show night
Road-Kill Rumble! (: relay...
Mike and Amy! (: cutest couple at camp- they've been dating for 10 years!!
with karen
"traffic-jam" in the ghetto (:
sunday morning we had Breeze Cafe- hot drinks, pastries, and open mike. people talked, read poems, and sang (: pretty cool!
Funniest Camper this session (: Rocky.... I think this picture sums it up- trouble :D jk.
me and rocky after the dance (: I was his date... well one of them (;
notice his hair... this is the only time all session he had gel in it (thank you ash for making sure he was all spiffed up (; )... the rest of camp rocky found that toothpaste and sunscreen work well to spike your hair... he's so cute and funny!
Karen, Rocky and I during Kangaroo Court (this was "spike-your-hair-with-sunscreen day"!)
Kangaroo Court... My fellow counselor Katie and I were charged with not brushing lindsay's teeth at night. then Heidi brought a complaint that I ripped her burrito at breakfast... (: it's a lot of fun. Campers make up charges against counselors and then we get brought to court. in which, we're ALWAYS guilty... as punishment, me and katie had to do jumpingjacks and hum the national anthem- simultaneously!
So. a normal day goes like this....
sometime between 7 and 8 you wake up and get everyone ready for the day...
9:00 breakfast.
10:00-12:00 morning rotation... would include sports and games, creative fun, or arts and crafts.
12:30 lunch
1:00-2:45 Rest hour
3:00-4:30 afternoon activities... usually the pool is open and arts and crafts or creative fun. there's always an alternative for the non-swimmers
5:30 Dinner
7:00-8:30 Evening Program... first night is a bonfire and the last night is a "dance". the other nights are whatever we decide to do.
10:00... approx. bedtime... depends... (:
11:00-12:00 counselor's bedtime (:
and you get up and do it all over again! it's an awesome time...
and now for my weekend (: just wanted to share a few pictures!
Abbey came to see me and brought Scott and Kyle! well... Kyle drove, so idk who brought who... but it was them 3. I've never been so happy to see people I know in all my life. This has definitely been the longest I've ever gone away from EVERYONE I know. so, that was awesome... started the afternoon off with Gayle's... delicious!!! then hit up Natural Bridge State Park...
Then there was a bit at the boardwalk and then we headed to pizza my heart... awesome! and I got a t-shirt :D slice of pizza + t-shirt = $5. deal!
Thanks for packing the travel iron for me mom (: it came in handy... having an ironed collar for today made me feel slightly normal... camp food, plastered-under-a-scarf-hair, wrinkly dresses, sleeping bags... it gets to you eventually. so something so simple was great (:
I did laundry yesterday but the dryer was way backed up and not working very well... so I decided I'd hang my sheets up to finish drying... but there is no where to hang sheets... so. I decided I could hang them on the ends of the beds that were propped up on the wall. problem- the legs were so nasty that I didn't want my sheets touching them. Solution:
Laugh if you wish, but it worked!!! (:
so... that was that. It was a great week and weekend... hard to tell abbey bye, but it was wonderful having them come!! I think I got way buff this week... pushing wheelchairs up the hills around here is rough! (: On an unimportant (to everyone else) side note- We found a scale finally... I gained back the 5 lbs I lost at AM time... yay! (; haha all the returning staff is talking about how they gained so much weight last year... (10+ lbs...) maybe I'll finally have some meat on my bones! haha we'll see. at least it should be muscle from pushing wheelchairs around all the time (: pretty thrilled... Next week is a dd (developmental disabilities) session with young adults. I'm really really excited for that! hope it goes well...
hope everything is going well at home... it's good to hear from everyone now and then!! (: have a blessed week!
Soli Deo Gloria!! Courtney "Blue Bell"