Saturday, October 23, 2010
So somehow I had the comment button messed up... perhaps that not everyone was able but only if you were a Blogspotter... I sure don't know. But it's all fixed now. I hope. Leave a comment to prove me right... (: please? no really, it's fine. But just wanted to give that shout out...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Closed Doors, Opened Windows

What a journey the last 6 months have been and are yet... I guess it hasn't been 6 yet, but by the time this adventure is said and done, that's what we have.
I've often made the comment that every 3 months a huge change seems to occur in my life. Seems God has added a little spice- my 3 month segments come in job/occupations/opportunities :) As He closes one door, something new comes around! It's really been a blessing! But isn't that God's department anyway? He loves to bless His children!
So, a grand hello Rosie-style from the Galilean Home! ("tell Rosie, 'say hi Rosie!'" :) If ya know what I mean...) I've already been here a month- today! came down September 20th, will be here till December 21st, at least, it's looking like. I have been working in the Angel House with the angels... well, babies! All of their mothers are in prison.
If you knew me growing up... I had 2 baby dolls; and I didn't play with either. John Deere tractors and my bike always took the cake. Not that I didn't like babies, but they just weren't "my" thing. So I wasn't sure how I'd like the Angel House. But after my summer with Easter Seals, I knew I'd LOVE the Blessing House (special needs {physical & mental}). Well, for a month now, I've been in the Angel House with not a single shift in the Blessing House. I know my day is coming to go down the hill but for now, I'm LOVING the babies... It kind of makes me sad to think about not seeing them every day! I sure missed them when I was home this weekend. So, all that love that didn't go to my dolls, it's all coming out now! (: (yes mothers, there's actually hope for those tom-boy daughters- I'm living proof! :D)
It's been such a blessing to be here! Sometimes I call it "God's greenhouse". It's really given me time to slow my life down and just FOCUS. Working only 8 hours a day, 4-6 days a week leaves plenty of open time to just sit and read or think or do whatever you wish! I've not had much time for reading in the last 4 years so I've been doing lots of that! I'm flying through the books so if you have any suggestions... :)
I turned 19 while I've been down here. What better way to celebrate than cook an actual meal, and then get to play with babies for 8 hours? Then when I got off my shift at 1000pm, the other VS girls met me outside the Mary and Martha House with... 19 COLD water balloons! :D One of the girls who's also gluten-free made me a gluten-free birthday cake... with chocolate-raspberry icing! mmm... Quite a unique, but memorable birthday! Not one soon forgotten!
Special moments around the Home:
*praying with the toddlers... it's so cute to listen to them!
*Listening to the toddlers sing "Jesus Loves Me"... they will be a witness for Jesus to their mothers!
*Hugs from Rosie (if you don't know Rosie, you must drop everything and come see me. (: now!)
*Being asked to be George's date
*Prayer meetings in the basement with the girls
*The 4 hour, 220 mile drive between Ohio and here... beautiful.
*Getting visitors over the quilt auction
*Alexa spending the night with me
Recipe for a good day:
*Not having 5 babies scream from 6:30-8:00 while we're trying to keep them up before they have to go to bed!
*Having a made bed. For some reason, with all the time I have, it's still getting neglected... (:
*Someone doing my dishes
*A MEAL. as in, actually cooking something... out of a can counts, but microwave doesn't! :)
*Phone calls from peoples
*Simply being Alive, Well, Saved-by-GRACE!
Now then. I'm really going to try to keep this thing updated from here on. I've been informed that people actually do read it (yes, I wondered ;)) I feel so honored that you would take the time to read it. They seem like pretty boring things to read to me, but I like to be able to write it all down, and if I'm going to write stuff down, might as well put it where someone else can read it, right?
Well, karissa is patiently waiting for a story... So I will read to her and then head out. I had midnight last night and it was so rough trying to sleep this morning so I'll go sleep a bit and try to find something to do this evening. I'll probably just sit and read. I think I'm getting lazy... :D Plus, I'm sure the Shultz's are ready to kick me out since I've been here so long... Take Care...
Soli Deo Gloria!
Courtney Renae
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